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08 Nov 0 Comment

Despite Difficulty, DREAMers Continue Push for Passage of DREAM Act

As predicted, the mid-term elections have changed the balance of power in the U.S. Congress. The House, now in Republican control, will have a very different agenda than over the past two years. If you thought it was hard to work for comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) when the Democrats had the run of the place, just wait until we have to deal with the new, ideologically pumped members of the House. To them, immigration reform means building a higher, electrified wall and adding more security at the border, not passing anything even remotely like the DREAM Act, and certainly not CIR, which

31 Oct 0 Comment

Follow the Money!

If you want to understand how Arizona's SB 1070 came about, all you have to do is follow the money.  A recent NPR investigative report delves into the relationship between corporate interests and legislators in the creation of the Arizona immigration law.  In this case, with input from the "the billion-dollar Corrections Corporation of America — the largest private prison company in the country." According to the NPR report, Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce first discussed his ideas for what eventually came to be known (almost word for word) as SB 1070 -- not with any legislative body

27 Oct 1 Comment

Localities Step Up Their Support of the DREAM Act

Despite the fact that progress has stalled at the national level, localities across the United States are debating and passing local resolutions to demonstrate their support of the DREAM Act.  From Somerville, Massachusetts to Harrisonburg, VA, local councils and school committees have decided to throw their weight, if not their laws, behind the DREAM Act and the communities that they serve. I'm not exactly sure what this means from a legal perspective, but it is encouraging to see that so many localities, those who are in touch with the needs of the citizens they work and play with, are beg

24 Jun 0 Comment

"The U.S. Team: Everyone's Team"

"The U.S. Team: Everyone's Team."  These are the words that I heard today from a Spanish-speaking commentator talking about the American victory over the Algerian team in the World Cup today. I knew about The U.S.'s victory over Algeria earlier because I am deeply interested in the World Cup and have been keeping track of it via every medium that I can.  I have iPhone apps that bring me the latest news, if I'm working at my computer I listen to the games via streaming coverage and I am glued to the TV during the weekends (to my wife's endless chagrin).  During the week, because I can't cat