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25 Oct 0 Comment

Fight to Pass DREAM Act Continues…

Although still suffering from the setback caused by last month’s Republican filibuster in the Senate, DREAM Activists all over the nation aren’t giving up.  They may have lost the latest battle but are determined to win the war…

In Colorado, members of VOICE (Voices of Immigrant Children for Education & Equality) aren’t giving up the fight.  Karen, a member of the group, says: “We are not giving up on the DREAM Act, our next step is to work towards making it a stand alone bill, it will be hard but we feel it is worth a shot.”

In a recent Huffington Post article, Lindsay McCluskey, President of the US Students Association argues that we can’t stop fighting for passage of the DREAM Act, not because it would necessarily benefit our country (AND it will) but because it’s a moral imperative to do so.

Ms. McCluskey says that “the DREAM Act would improve our society in many ways, but its reason for passing is found not in any tangible benefit to our country; rather, it should pass because everyone has the right to an education and an equal opportunity to succeed. Those who would qualify for the DREAM Act simply want to stay in the country they’ve lived in since childhood and pursue their potential through military service or a college degree. Champions of undocumented students in Congress can talk about why it makes legislative sense until they are blue in the face, but until they listen to the voices of those directly impacted by the legislation and advocate for the DREAM Act because it advances education as a right, the dream will be deferred for undocumented youth. Students have been undeterred for a decade, waiting for our legislative champions to catch on. Last month’s asinine debate over procedural technicalities demonstrated the urgency of moving the DREAM Act as a moral imperative.  What happens to a dream deferred? It is realized by the undeterred.”

According to Latina Lista, “the million-strong advocacy group,, is joining the DREAM Act lobbying effort. According to a blog post published on their site, 72 percent of women support the DREAM Act; 80 percent of Democrats and 60 percent of Republicans also support the DREAM Act.”

So it looks as though despite the setback (or maybe because of it), there are many who are prepared to continue fighting…are you?

— Read more about the members of VOICE in this Huffington Post article

— Read the rest of the Lindsay McCluskey article here

— And read the rest of the Latina Lista article here

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