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05 Oct 0 Comment

Is the DREAM Act Really a Bipartisan Bill?

Although the DREAM Act is often touted as a reform bill that enjoys bipartisan support (after all, it’s politically unpalatable to oppose students), it’s starting to look like there are some limits to that support, mainly, no mid-term elections in play and certainly not in a year in which immigration politics is so polarized.

As the latest attempt to bring the bill up for a vote demonstrates, it seems as though the DREAM Act enjoys the support of many Democrats in the Senate (although not all, as the two Senators from Arkansas voted against it) but no support at all from the other side of the aisle.

Is this the end result of a harshly divided mid-term election cycle, inaction on immigration reform at the Federal level or an issue that has become more polarized as the years have continued to pass without reform? The answer is probably all of the above. Unfortunately, the end result is that the DREAM Act doesn’t seem to possess the bipartisan support it once did.

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