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20 May 0 Comment

Peaceful Protest Could Lead to Deportation for DREAM Activists

“They knew they were risking deportation by staging this peaceful show of disobedience but while they may have been born in another country, each considers the U.S. home, and how could their “country” deport them so recklessly when it wasn’t even their fault that they grew up here?”

The above is a direct quote from a post I found at Latina Lista and it encapsulates exactly what so many students like Juan Gomez are fighting for.  They are fighting to stay in the only home they’ve ever really known.

The “Dream Act 5” as they are being called, staged a peaceful sit-in in front of Senator John McCain’s Tucson, AZ office to urge passage of the DREAM Act as soon as possible.  Eventually, three of the students, Mohammad Abdollahi, Lizbeth Mateo, and Yahaira Carrillo were arrested. This morning, ICE took them into custody and a hearing has been set for June 16.

The three arrested students knew full well that their act of civil disobedience could lead to deportation.  But they are also fully aware that the status quo is simply intolerable.  Allowing an average of 65,000 students a year to graduate to a life without a future runs against every single principle and value that this country has ever stood for.  Something needs to change.

Could these students be the Rosa Parks of our time?  I think so.  What do you think?

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