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06 Oct 0 Comment

Where to Next?

After the setback of a couple of weeks ago, it’s completely understandable that everyone that has been fighting so hard for passage of the DREAM Act would feel defeated and it’s also completely understandable that most would feel as though they are fighting an uphill battle.

An uphill battle yes, I agree, but an un-winnable one? I don’t think so! All wars worth waging have their setbacks and casualties…the civil rights movement of the sixties was the culmination of centuries of struggle. I’m not saying that it’s going to take that long to pass the DREAM Act or something similar, but it was never going to be easy either. The worse thing that anyone in the movement could do right now is give up, because then you have surely lost.

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And I don’t think that people in the movement ARE giving up…not according to my conversations with activists such as Gaby Pacheco, or Cheryl Little, or Frank Sharry. They are all in this to enact the change that they believe will positively impact all of you, as well as the rest of America.

So really, you only have one choice…and that’s to keep fighting!

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